Fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens
Fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens

fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens


Locking the token scale locks the current image-to-token-pixel ratio, which changes as you zoom in and out of the image (unless the token scale is locked - which the 80% and 100% resize does do).Īlso, removing tokens from the map loses any manual (CTRL+mouse wheel) zooming.

fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens

Also, remember that token locking does not cover tokens manually re-sized using CTRL+Mouse Wheel - the individual zoom level if this method is used will be shown against the token on the combat tracker. This auto sizing will override any manual token locking done - unless you set the campaign option mentioned above to "Off". Here is an example of a Troll taken directly from the 3.5e Bestiary (no editing) - the size is 10 and so it will be auto scaled to fit 10x10 on the map (80% scaling in this case): This also depends on the campaign option: Token: Auto Scale to Grid, which can be Off, 80% or 100% - the default is 80%. If you make sure the the "Size" in the Size/Reach section of the NPC is set to 10 for your Troll NPC record then it will automatically be sized for 10 x 10 feet (2 x 5 feet squares) when added to the combat tracker, or for 4E size = 2 will cover 2 squares. Maybe im doing something wrong, not 100% sure as im still learning my way around trying to put this campaign together, and this is the only hang up thus far. I tried resizing them manually and hitting the "lock token scale" option, but when i remove them from the tracker and re-add the size change doesnt seem to keep and they revert back.

fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens

With their token images, and of course the red/ white areas highlighted around them which seem to display the space/reach boxes. This however seems to have changed (which im grateful for) so that now the tokens when I loaded it up today and added the encounter to the combat tracker, all the trolls instead of being like 5-6圆 square sized had shrunk down to only taking up the 1x1 square. So I was setting up a "Troll mound" encounter, and the last time I messed with it a couple months back before i moved cross country I couldn't get the tokens to remain the smaller 2x2 square size they'd take up as large sized creatures on my 1sq = 5ft scale map, they'd stay their default size which was huge compared to my default map size.

Fantasy grounds 2 resizing tokens